With the rise of internet, the entire world has shifted its working online. Each day, we can find several businesses going online, and people dumping their traditional paper-work for adopting computers. Communication, working and file storage has been simplified with the onset of internet, and businesses are getting a global exposure. However, for promoting products and services of a business, a dedicated marketing strategy is always required. Tylar and Co., which deals with digital marketing, says that advertising is essential for the success of any marketing strategy. Whether it is traditional; whether it is digital, Advertising has played an important role in spreading the business message.
Advertising, as we know, is a diversified field, where strategies and techniques are known to sail on the waves. To adapt to such fast changing strategies, one need to be updated with the latest advertising trends. Tylar and Co. says that there are top 3 digital advertising trends, which are known to dominate the contemporary market. Here are those trends which will assist you in devising a good advertising strategy. They are as follows.

  • Plan social videos and smart television strategy

While there have been reports that the world of Television is dead, Tylar and Co. states that it’s totally not true. Recently, a popular news channel reported that people are watching televisions more than ever, even though several digital media channels exist over the internet. Nowadays, people are subscribing to digital channels by using social TV apps like Zeebox. Also, there is a trend among people to buy television sets which have ready internet access. By carefully targeting the television media channels and social TV services, one can spread the business message to large number of people.

  •   The rise of native advertising

Though digital marketing is rapidly being adopted by people around the world, Tylar and Co. says that the big cats of marketing are still putting emphasis on native advertising. Advertising using internet is going to catch the eyes of online visitors only. On the contrary, advertising carried through typical channels is known to attract online as well as offline crowd. Even today, the print media is getting positive feedback from the people, and hoardings and posters are still known to catch the eyes of travelers.

  • Active use of social media

It is true that social networks are becoming the things of interest of many people around the world. Online crowd is known to spend considerable amount of time over the social networks. Tylar and Co. says that social networking sites are not limited to Facebook or Twitter. With rising sites like Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and others, one should definitely target the social media sites actively for digital advertising.