Advertising, as we know, is not limited to hoardings and posters today. Business, in the age old days, was strictly restricted to door-to-door sales and words of mouth. For spreading awareness about a product, marketing campaigns were held, and they actively involved the use of posters and person to person sales. Slowly, different forms of media were utilized for advertising. Radio was the first medium for global or wide area advertising. Then the television arrived, and several other forms of advertisement associated with it. All this was limited to the twentieth century.

Today, we are connected to people around the world by the Internet. Computers and mobiles have become a necessity, rather than a lifestyle. Advertising professionals at Tylar & Co. a popular advertising firm, who deals with digital marketing, as well as, online media, says that this is the right time to harness the power of the internet. Advertising is done to spread awareness of products among the masses, and internet proves to be a global platform to host a particular brand. Digital Marketing is closely associated with online advertising, and it begins with the simple concept of Search Engine Optimization. Businesses, who own websites, should have SEO campaigns, so that popular search portals like Google will index the website, and show it in the search results.

Similarly, one should opt for Search Engine Marketing or SEM, for doing quicker advertising of your products. SEM campaigns are a popular mean to advertise products on the internet. Pay per Click or PPC, is the paid alternative, which displays your short business advertisement on several websites. Internet viewers are readily able to see these advertisements, and clicking on them takes them to your website. So, there is no long chain of middlemen involved in this advertising. For direct advertising of products, the email marketing is the best option.

Professionals at the Tylar and Co. say that mobiles are quickly taking over computers, and mobile ads are becoming popular day by day. In place of ecommerce, m-commerce is becoming popular, and users are quickly resorting to this. There are several mobile platforms, and this has increased the diversity of the mobile advertising domain. Similar to mobile ads, SMS marketing is also taking a boom. One can promote products using SMS, or use SMS gateways to suffix product advertisement behind individual SMS.

Along with Mobile platform, Social media advertising is also accelerating at a rapid pace. Popular social media platforms like Facebook are actively used to host multimedia rich advertising campaigns.

For small businesses, several online bidding platforms are becoming popular. One is able to sell an individual product or a group of products using these platforms. Several such real-time bidding platforms are now available for selling products online.

So, to get a competitive edge for your business, you should keep a head with all these latest advertising techniques.