The internet has evolved from a private network to a global network, which has its reach all around the world. Each day, the network keeps on growing as several new websites get registered on it. For a given topic or keyword, there are thousands of websites, and you need a search portal like Google to find them. However, every search engine as its unique logic to rank the websites on the first page of the search results. Tylar and Co. says that one such parameter, which is imperative to the working of search engine, is ‘Bounce Rate’, and maintaining a lower bounce rate is essential for getting a good rank in the search engine results page (SERP).

Bounce rate is determined by the number of bounces one receives on the web page. A bounce is known to occur when a visitor visits one of the pages for a small duration, and then leaves the website without checking the other pages. The duration to determine the bounce rate is specific to a particular search engine, and the bounce rate metrics differ from search engine to search engine. Following are a few SEO tips, which Tylar and Co. discloses, in order to keep the bounce rate of your website in check. The tips are as follows.

  • To control the High Volume of searches, do niche-based back-linking

It is true that high search volume plays a vital role in ranking your website better in the search engine results. However, the volume is useless if the visitors do not stay on the webpages for a long time. Tylar and Co. say that you should carefully plan your SEO strategy, in order to attract the relevant crowd only. Only then, the bounce rate of your business website will get reduced.

  • Content plays a key role in holding people back

You may attract the relevant public to your website, but people will jump away if they do not find the content interest. Pleasing and appealing content amuses the readers, and they navigate through several pages. This keeps the bounce rate low, and your website eventually gets better ranking in the SERP results.

  • Avoid pop-up

While pop-ups are the best way to catch the attention of the visitors, they are annoying to many visitors. Popups is one of the best internet marketing techniques for spreading product message. However, frequent pop-ups are irritating to the visitors, and they force the visitors to jump off from the website.

  • Increase the speed of website

Tylar and Co. say that people do not prefer visiting slow loading websites. If navigation from one page to other page takes too much time, then the bounce rate increases significantly. Pingdom’s Full Page Test and Yahoo Yslow tool are the best to determine the page load time of your website.