The internet was started in 1990’s, and within a short span of 2 decades, it took the entire world. Today, there exists millions of websites over the internet, which inform us on a variety of topics. Even the businesses in the twenty first century have gone online, and several ecommerce websites exist on the internet for selling different kinds of goods or services. So, if you are a business owner, it is advisable for you to design or update your website following the latest trends in web designing world. Tylar Masters says that a business website designed following the latest trends over the internet, attracts several visitors.

In her long career of digital marketing, she found that elegant web designs play a vital role in converting a visitor into a lead. Here are a few latest web designing tips she wants to share.

  • Use Single page designs

Tylar says that people do not like to navigate around the websites, owing to their fast moving lifestyle. They want to read the entire information in a single glance. Navigation buttons put off the visitors, and your potential lead will get loss. So, try single page designing for websites, and split your content accordingly in separate sections on the single page

  •  Keep a fixed navigation bar

A changing navigation bar is a trouble to visitors, who want to surf through the entire website in few minutes. A fixed navigation bar helps visitors to view different pages easily and increases the accessibility on the screen. Further, they can return to original pages by clicking on the fixed navigation bar. This saves time for the visitors, and your entire content is made readily accessible.

  • Use big buttons and large text

Tylar says that big buttons easily attract the sight of visitors. It makes navigation easy and fun for them. Similarly, large text lines assist in conveying the messages effectively. It helps in easy advertising of the product, and creative content on your website easily catches the eyes of visitors. So, to increase your lead conversion rate, it is necessary to use creative and large font styles for taglines.

  •  Use large photo backgrounds

Gone are the days, where plain backgrounds attracted visitors. Tylar says that hardware and internet are evolving at a rapid pace, and using the attractive backgrounds for the websites will be feasible in terms of image loading and SEO norms. Attractive backgrounds will catch the attention of visitors and will become a vital lead conversion factor.

  • Use responsive designs

Many users are switching to mobiles and tablets, and mobile websites are in demand. Responsive web designs easily adapt to the screen size of the viewer’s browser, and the integrity of the website is maintained. This increases the accessibility of websites for all kinds of website viewers and eventually increases the leads.

These few tips will surely help you to design catchy websites, which will catch the eye of today’s crowd.