The internet has evolved significantly, and it encompasses most of the world today. Each day, thousands of websites get registered on the internet, and the network seems to expand at an unpredictable rate. Previously, when internet was launched, it was a network of computers meant for military purpose. It was private; it was limited, and the technologies were not advanced for hosting anything more than static web pages. Tylar Masters, who holds expertise in digital marketing and web designing, says that web technologies are evolving at a rapid pace, and you should design your business websites using the latest web designing technologies, in order to survive the online competition.

Tylar Masters says that websites have now grown to be dynamic and interactive. Some of the websites have evolved into highly interactive web applications, which help to cater the needs of several users. In the world of online business, making the website interactive and better is the top concern of all the online business owners. As a result, they are always trying some new technologies and techniques to present the information in a better way, and spread the business message effectively. Similarly, many open source technologies have evolved since the internet was made public. So, web designers have an option of using several technologies in creating the new websites.

Following the most common trends in web designing world, Tylar Masters have found these latest technologies, which every web designer should surely use to design websites. The technologies are as follows.

  • HTML 5

HTML is the base of all the websites designed over the internet. However, the HTML 4.0 version was created to match only popular browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer. Today, mobile technologies have evolved significantly, and many people now use mobile devices actively. Considering all the latest factors, HTML 5 has been created. HTML 5 has been designed to match all the browsers. This technology has also eliminated the use of several CSS tags and has managed to give a new look to the web designing world. It may be a desktop; it may be a smartphone or it may be a tablet; HTML 5 creates websites which are compatible with every browser.

  • CSS3

CSS3 is the advanced version of Cascading Style Sheets, which are used for presenting information on the web pages. CSS3 now comprises of several tags and attributes, which have eliminated the use of complex graphics. By using plane graphics, you can get several catchy effects by just editing a few attributes in the CSS file. CSS3 is perfect for mobile devices as the pages are easily parsed, without being heavy on resources.

  • Responsive designs

These are different from the liquid layouts used by typical CSS. Websites created using this technology will have the same User Interface for all the platforms.

These are the few web designing technologies which every web developer should know today.