Mankind has rapidly evolved after the onset of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution gave rise to several products and services, and played a vital role in generating numerous jobs. Selling this products and services gave rise to the profession of Marketing. Marketing is the daily bread of any business and is one of the creative and challenging professions known to mankind. Several marketing strategies emerge up from time to time, and they exploit several mediums and channels. One such channel to exploit is the internet, and Search Engine Marketing is completely dedicated to it.

Internet is a global platform for all the rising businesses. As several businesses are going online, the chances of getting better sales is getting difficult. Tylar and Co., which is an expert in digital marketing and web designing domain, say that Search Engine Marketing or SEM is the next big thing in the marketing domain. While SEO helps in improving the rankings of the website, SEM helps in achieving the actual sales. Following are a few tips on Search Engine Marketing or SEM, which will help to get better insights of the online marketing domain.

  • SEM is more than Google Trends

Google Trends still remains to be the most popular SEM tool. It gives a consolidated platform for developing various SEM strategies, and implement different SEM practices online. It is the best tool for finding the right keywords and search trends, which are the best for exploiting the online market. With Google Trends, you can plan the right strategy for the Google Search Engine. However, all the people in the world are not Google Users, and Tylar and Co. ask you to use several other SEM tools for other search portals.

  • Use of Mobile search

The mobile market is exploding at a rapid pace, and people are giving up the idea of using bulky computers. With smartphones and tablets growing in the market, the mobile internet world has immensely grown. So, it will be a lucrative opportunity for business if you were to use the SEM practices for the mobile internet domain.

  • Use PPC for more than Google

Tylar and Co. report that the click through rate in 2012, for the small and medium size businesses, grew massively by 109% for Bing, 123% for Yahoo, but only 32% for Google. Although Google catches majority of PPC share, other portals are also gaining wide response in the PPC domain. So, diversify your PPC strategy.

  • Go Social

With news of Facebook launching the search engine, digital marketing experts have actively started planning and developing SEM strategies for it. Tylar and Co. say that several other social search engines exist in the market, which helps in targeting a particular niche.

These are the few latest trends in SEM, which will help in developing right SEM strategy for your business.