It was a good day. I pounded over 8 miles of pavement in Manhattan and found myself fairly happy with the results of my efforts. Let’s start with Vayner Media, yeah you know that guy Gary Vee cause he’s been all over social media for oh, fifteen years or so. Is he a celebrity? I’d say second-rate if you are in any sort of influencer or brand marketing role, first rate suffices. 

I managed to scoot past the lovely security officer, who assumed I had a scheduled interview with someone in human resources because I had a “pretty face”. Once I arrived at the top floor of the Hudson Yards building, I strutted my glistening hairline through the doors, only to be semi-scolded for just showing up unannounced. 

Excuse me, hi… isn’t your agency built on being bold and taking risks? No? Oh, then Gary Vee is a fraud. 

Anyway, I handed over my resume and freelancer business card punched with a hole that had my custom-made bottle opener hanging from it. “Next time you crack open a beer, think of me!” was the “punch” line – pun intended. I even reminded them that although they probably have about 400 digital resumes back there on some talent person’s laptop, 399 of them did not show up. One did.

My phone vibrated while I was changing from my pink and black floral pumps back to sneakers. I checked to see what email I had just received and sure enough, that presentation I had totally rocked just a few days before? I got a generic templated rejection stating that the requirements of the role had changed. 

Seriously? I poured over ten hours of my life into this company, presented a custom crafted marketing strategy, and interviewed five times. What did they do, steal my detailed plan, and move on to hire someone else? Lesson learned I suppose. Well, not before I straight up called the CEO and left him a voicemail asking him what the hell just happened and what changed? Anyway… Moving on. 

I had found a couple of opportunities with this creative staffing agency and thought, hey, it worked for that one girl in that Hallmark movie I watched… why not? I mapped it out and began the trek. After a couple of subway rides, about 20 minutes of walking around a block looking for this company, calling the number on the website, I gave up. What a waste. Anyway, time to venture on to Alison Brod Communications and Marketing. 

The nice young man at the security desk let me change my shoes there before heading up to the 12th floor. As the elevator door opened, I was encased in a glass vestibule that looked into this massive sort of showroom. It was impressive as fuck.

The pretty young girl that was perched at the reception desk asked how she could help me. I told I was going to be the craziest person to ever have walked into her office, she giggled and said with a bit of curiosity, “ohhh-kay.”

I gave my spiel and she quickly ran to an office way in the back, behind all of the gorgeous furniture, gadgets, and beauty products on display. A woman named Brooke walked out to greet me, with a phone in hand and huge penguin slippers on her feet. She introduced herself and informed me she was on a call but wanted to chat with me for a minute. I spieled again then left my resume and bottle opener card. Before I left, the receptionist filled up a bag with tons of makeup for me to take. I’d have much preferred a job, but I supposed a goody bag was a nice parting gift.

Pound away to the next agency, this one sure to be a success since I’d already befriended a fellow author who was friends with the owner. I walked in, was greeted by a creative director, and took a seat to wait for Alysha to wrap up a call. As I introduced myself, I told her how I was connected with her friend, also a client, and she said, “Oh wow, any friend of hers is a friend of mine! Tell me about yourself.”

Ten or so minutes later, I was feeling very encouraged by her interest in hiring me. After all, every skill she said her team needed – I had! 

“I will call you tomorrow, I am late to a meeting. Or Saturday at the latest. Is that okay?”

“Hell yeah, call me anytime.” I confirmed. It was almost 5:00 on Thursday and my mission was 24/7 – not 8/24. 

Off to the hotel where the big conference was happening, hoping to meet some big shots at the bar. Because, let’s face it, after every big conference wraps up, everyone hits the hotel bar to blow off steam and recap the day. I sat there, sipping a $10 bottle of Corona, waiting for crowds to flock in. An hour later, I decided the day was done. It was productive, and I had a solid hour-long train ride back to Brooklyn. 

Sigh. It was a good day.