Graphics and designs play a vital role in the web designing industry. Web designs are not just about setting up static text posters on the internet, but it is about creating appealing templates that catch the eyes of the online public. Web designs are incomplete without the attractive graphics, and elegant content presented over them. Typically, graphic designs were actively used in the print media, and limited numbers of designing tools were available at hand. Tylar and Co, which deals with graphic designing and digital marketing, says that several designing tools are available now, and trendy graphics can be created using it.
Tylar and Co. says that graphic styles and designs keep on changing with audience, place and time. You need to stay updated with the latest design trends, so that your designs are readily accepted by the public. However, there are few components of designs, which are the foundation pillars in creating a great design. These components are as follows.

  • Typography and Text

Text plays a key role in presenting the content. Font facing and typography style are the vital components that give the text its appealing charm. For elegant character spacing, and astute designs, designers were known to use fonts like Georgia, Verdana, and Tahoma. With the launch of Google Web fonts, several styles of fonts can now be inculcated in the webpages, and your designers can create unique designs to make you stand out of the crowd.

  • Use of original Illustrations

Previously, graphic designers were known to incorporate stock images and graphics for creating good designs. Tylar and Co. says that people are now moving away from the typical designing trends, and have started favoring original, hand drawn illustrations in the graphic designs. Illustrations are known to make the designs appear original, exclusive, and a sense of personal touch is readily visible from them.

  • Overexposed photography

Photos have always played a vital role in captivating the audience. Photos speak louder than words, and use of photos make the designs look friendly. Tylar and Co. says that graphic designers are now using overexposed photos in their designs. Though a few people may consider it as a mistake on designer’s part, designers are now using it to improve the aesthetics of the designs. With this kind of photography, the vintage appeal of the designs gets preserved, and the reminiscence of classic designs is maintained.

  • Minimalist designs

Nowadays, people do not prefer the overstuffed design. Instead, they now favor the freely spaced components of minimalist designs. In these designs, the content is projected using large, bold fonts, along with the combination of simple graphics and plain colors. Tylar and Co. says that these kinds of graphic designs are highly portable, and do not require special tools for creation.