
Judith Warden, CEO

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.


Columbia, SC – October 5, 2015 – Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence (BRSE), a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, introduces a proprietary online assessment tool designed to create a more thorough and enriching experience for schools participating in its Blueprint for Excellence school assessment and improvement program – a program developed to award schools for excellence in education.

This improved online survey is vital for BRSE to continue to grow and offer its program to more schools. “Now we have the capability to assist thousands of schools at once,” said Bart Teal, BRSE president and founder. The new program captures data and delivers reports immediately after all stakeholders complete an assessment, providing an opportunity to implement an immediate action plan for improvement – with real time, research based results.

“Our transformation process, Blueprint for Excellence, is built on what we believe are the most important foundations of schools: outstanding leadership, positive culture and focus on children,” Teal said. To achieve Blue Ribbon Lighthouse Award status, a school must meet a criteria minimum that proves excellence in nine categories. Teal believes that every school has the potential to achieve this award. “We hear excuses, mainly poor socio economics and ‘these children just can’t learn.’ All children can learn and all schools can be high performing.”

BRSE launched the newly designed assessment tool in September, with several schools already participating. For stakeholders within a school district, as well as BRSE staff, it is a welcomed change. “We developed a future forward and user friendly experience that intersects with a critical comprehensive database of algorithms,” says Tylar Masters, president of Tylar & Company, BRSE’s digital marketing agency.

With this new platform in place, BRSE is able to offer expanded features like self guided assessments, yearly comparison reports, extended reporting with visual charts and graphs, individual school profiles for data management and channels for support in improvement strategies.

“Our greatest natural resource is our children,” said Teal. “We must create outstanding, high performing schools for all children because all of our futures are at stake – unless we seriously develop a system to transform education for all children. Together we can create world class schools.”

About Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence:

The BRSE Program is a comprehensive school self-assessment experience utilizing the Blueprint for Excellence with guidance and support from Blue Ribbon Recognized School Educators. The program assists all schools, with a special focus on low socioeconomic, culturally diverse and low performing communities of learning in assessing the quality of their academic and instructional programs and in developing a school-wide action plan to ensure measurable student achievement.